Konferencia „New Europe“ je organizovaná Nadáciou profesora Štefana Kassaya na podporu vedy vzdelávania. Nadácia vznikla v roku 2002 a nesie meno svojho zakladateľa, Prof. Dr. h.c. PhDr. Ing. Štefana Kassaya, DrSc. v úzkej spolupráci s Európskou akadémiou vied a umení a Slovenskou akadémiou vied. Záštitu nad konferenciou prevzal minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky, Miroslav Lajčák.

The International Conference NEW EUROPE 2016 is organised by the Foundation of Professor Štefan Kassay for Support of Science and Education which bears the name of its founder prof. Dr. h.c. PhDr. Ing. Štefana Kassaya, DrSc. The foundation was established in 2002 and its activities support organising professional and scientific conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures. It promotes science and education and supports activities in the area of publishing and writing books. The conference NEW EUROPE 2016 is co-organised by the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.