Projekt Next Europe
Konferencia Nová Európa 2016 na Smolenickom zámku nadväzuje na projekt workshopov a konferencií pod názvom NEXT EUROPE organizovaných Európskou akadémiou vied a umení v Prahe, Ľubľane, Salzburgu, Budapešti, Ríme a v Benátkach. Podujatie bude zároveň vynikajúcou odbornou platformou na pokračovanie diskusie o budúcnosti Európy, ktorá v súčasnosti prechádza turbulentným vývojom.
Project Next Europe
The project NEXT EUROPE represents a series of workshops and conferences organised by the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg whose purpose is to acquire an analysis of the current phenomena in Europe and subsequently to find new solutions resulting from the penetrations of attitudes and ideas of the contemporary opinion-forming personalities. The workshops are gradually held in the European cities Prague, Ljubljana, Salzburg and Venice. The international conference NEW EUROPE organised by the Foundation of Professor Štefan Kassay for Support of Science and Education in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences and Arts is meaningfully involved both from the point of view of the programme and ideologically into the concept NEW EUROPE.