Projektový tím/Project team
Dr.h.c. prof. PhDr. Ing. Štefan Kassay, DrSc.
prezident konferencie Nová Európa, prezident Nadácie profesora Štefana Kassaya na podporu
vedy a vzdelávania/President of the Conference NEW EUROPE 2016; President of the Foundation of Professor Štefan Kassay for Support of Science and Education
Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Ing. Štefan Kassay, DrSc., člen Európskej akadémie vied a umení, sa narodil 11. júla 1941 v Miškolci. V roku 1958 sa vyučil za sústružníka v Závodoch ťažkého strojárstva v Považskej Bystrici a ako sústružník pracoval v Opravovniach poľnohospodárskych strojov v Košiciach. V priebehu rokov bol konštruktérom, stredoškolským učiteľom, televíznym redaktorom a zahraničným spravodajcom ČST v Budapešti, Juhoslávii a Rumunsku, šéfredaktorom Hlavnej redakcie programov zo zahraničia, riaditeľom Ústredia novinárskych informácií v Prahe a Bratislave, riaditeľom Central European Development Company so sídlom vo Veľkej Británii, docentom na univerzitách v Trenčíne a Banskej Bystrici, profesorom na Žilinskej univerzite v Žiline. Jeho pracovná kariéra je spätá s podnikateľskou aktivitou, s vedecko-výskumnou a publikačnou činnosťou. Vybudoval medzinárodne uznávanú nadnárodnú korporáciu I.D.C. Holding, a.s., ktorej bol generálnym riaditeľom a kde od vzniku akciovej spoločnosti pôsobí ako predseda dozornej rady spoločnosti. Najvýznamnejšie práce prof. Kassaya boli publikované v piatich jazykoch. O rozvoj vedy a vzdelávania sa zaslúžil aj ako zakladateľ a prezident Nadácie profesora Štefana Kassaya na podporu vedy a vzdelávania. Medzi jeho najznámejšie vedecké publikácie patria: Kvadrológia Marketingová stratégia firmy holdingového typu (1998 – 2001), Reengineering podnikateľských procesov (1999), Podnik svetovej triedy (2001), Stratégia podniku svetovej triedy (2002), pentalógia Podnik a podnikanie (1.zväzok 2006, 2.zväzok 2008, 3.zväzok 2010, 4.zväzok a 5. zväzok 2011). Je členom Vedeckej rady Vysokej školy manažmentu v Bratislave, vedeckým redaktorom časopisu Acta Mechanica Slovaca a viacerých redakčných rád odborných časopisov. Prof. PhDr. Ing. Štefan Kassay, DrSc. patrí medzi významné osobnosti slovenskej vedy v medzinárodnom meradle. Je nositeľom viacerých domácich a zahraničných vyznamenaní. Prezident SR mu na návrh vlády SR udelil štátne vyznamenanie Pribinov kríž II. triedy. V súkromí je profesor Kassay šťastne ženatý a má tri deti./Dr.h.c. professor PhDr. Ing. Štefan Kassay, DrSc. a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts was born on 11th July 1941 in Miskolc. In 1958 he was apprenticed as a lathe operator in the factory Works of Heavy Engineering in Považská Bystrica and worked as a turner in the Repair Works of Agricultural machines in Košice. During his life he was a designer, secondary school teacher, TV editor and foreign correspondent of the Czechoslovak Television in Budapest, Yugoslavia and Rumania, editor-on-chief of the Main Editorial Department for Programmes from Abroad, director of the Journalist Information Centre in Prague and Bratislava, director of the Central European Development Company with the seat in Great Britain, associate professor at the universities in Trenčín and Banská Bystrica, professor at the University of Žilina in Žilina. His working career is closely bound with the scientific and research and publishing activities. He has built an internationally acknowledged multinational I.D.C. Holding, a.s. where he was General Director and where he has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Board since the establishment of the joint stock company. The most important works of professor Kassay have been published in five languages. The most important works of professor Kassay were translated to six languages. He contributed to the development of science and education as a founder and President of the Foundation of Professor Štefan Kassay for Support of Science and Education. The following scientific publications belong to his most famous ones: the quadrology – Marketing Strategy of a Holding-Type Company (1998 – 2001), Reengineering of Entrepreneurial Processes (1999), World Class Company (2001), Strategy of World Class Company (2002), the pentalogy Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (the 1st volume in 2006, 2nd volume in 2008, 3rd volume in 2010, 4th volume and 5th volume in 2011). He is a member of the Scientific Board of University of Management in Bratislava, the scientific editor of the magazine Acta Mechanica Slovaca as well as several editorial boards of scientific magazines. Dr.h.c. professor PhDr. Ing. Štefan Kassay, DrSc. belongs to significant personalities of the Slovak science on the international scale. He is a member of the European Academy of Scientists and Arts and a laureate several Slovak and foreign awards. The President of the Slovak Republic awarded him at the suggestion of the Slovak government the state decoration Pribina Cross of the Second Class. In privacy professor Kassay is happily married and has three children.

Dr. h.c. prof. Dr. Felix Unger
prezident Európskej akadémie vied a umení v Salzburgu/President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Felix Unger sa narodil 2. marca 1946 v Klagenfurte. Študoval medicínu na univerzite vo Viedni, kde aj v roku 1971 promoval. Svoje medicínske vzdelanie ako srdcový chirurg a kardiológ začal u prof. Dr. Fritza Kaindla na kardiologickej univerzitnej klinike vo Viedni. Od roku 1972 sa ďalej venoval štúdiu kardiochirurgie u prof. Dr. Johanna Navratila, na II. Univerzitnej klinike pre chirurgiu vo Viedni. Vzdelanie dokončil v roku 1977 ako odborný lekár pre chirurgiu. V roku 1978 bol habilitovaný na univerzitného docenta. V roku 1974 sa absolvoval študijné pobyty v Houstone (prof. Dr. Denton A. Cooley), v Clevelande (prof. Dr. Yukihiko Nosé), v Salt Lake City (prof. Dr. Willem Kolff). V Salt Lake City vynašiel tzv. „Elipsoidné srdce“ na účel umelej srdcovej náhrady, ktoré sa použilo ako prvé umelé srdce v Európe v Salzburgu v roku 1983, od roku 1977 aj ako forma asistovanej cirkulácie. Od roku 1978 do 1983 bol primárom na I. univerzitnej klinike pre chirurgiu v Innsbrucku a v roku 1983 ho uznali ako mimoriadneho profesora pre chirurgiu v Innsbrucku. V roku 1985 ho poverili založením srdcovej chirurgie v krajskej nemocnici v Salzburg a od roku 1985 do 2011 pôsobil ako prednosta univerzitnej kliniky pre kardiochirurgiu v Salzburgu. V roku 1990 založil spolu s kardinálom DDr. Franzom Konigom a Prof. Dr. Nikolausom Lobkowiczom Európsku akadémiu vied a umení v Salzburgu, na ktorej čele stojí ako jej prezident. Prof. Unger je ženatý s umelkyňou Monikou von Fioreschy , majú dvoch synov (mag. Arch. Stephan Unger a Matthaus Unger). Felix Unger je autorom a spoluautorom asi 500 vedeckých publikácií, vydavateľom24 kníh a vlastníkom 9 patentov. Taktiež pracuje pre európsku komisiu: „Health is Wealth“, „Strategic Vision for European Health Care at the beginning of the 21st Century“, vydavateľstvo Springer, Heidelberg, 2004, „Health is Wealth – Toward a European Lead Market“, Edition Weimar 2009 a „Európske Curriculum medicíny“ Edition Weimar, 2009, „Health in the Regions“, Edition Weimar 2012. Je členom viacerých vedecko-odborných združení, národných, európskych a medzinárodných organizácii./Professor Felix Unger was born on 2nd March 1946 in Klagenfurt. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna from which he graduated in 1971. He started his medical education as a cardiac surgeon in the team of Professor Dr. Fritz Kaindl at the cardiological university clinic in Vienna. Then he dealt with study of surgical cardiology under supervision of Professor Dr. Johann Navratil at the II. Surgical Clinic of the University of Vienna (since 1972). He completed his study as a surgeon-specialist in 1977. In 1978 he became Assistant Professor of Surgery. In 1974 he took part in study stays with Professor Dr. Denton A.Cooley (Houston/Texas), Yukihiko Nose, (Cleveland/Ohio) and Dr. Willem Kolff (Salt Lake City/Utah). In Salt Lake City he invented the so called ellipsoid heart for assisted circulation which was used as the first artificial heart in Europe (Salzburg 1983). From 1978 to 1983 he was the Head of the University Clinic for Cardiac Surgery in Innsbruck and in 1983 he became Professor of Surgery. In 1985 he was appointed by establishing a cardiological department at the hospital in Salzburg and from 1985 to 2011 he performed as the head of the cardiological university clinic in Salzburg. In 1990 he established – together with the cardinal DDr. Franz König and Professor Dr. Nikolaus Lobkowicz – the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg which he leads as President. Professor Znger is married to the artist Monika von Fioreschy, they have two sons (mag.arch Stephan Unger and Matthäus Unger). Professor Unger is an author and co-author of approximately 500 scientific publications, publisher of 24 books and owner of 9 patents. He also works for the European Commission. Publications - „Health Is Wealth“, Strategic Vision for European Health Care at the Beginning of the 21st Century“, publishing house Springer, Heidelberg, 2004; Health Is Wealth – Toward a European Lead Market, edition Weimar 2009 and European Curriculum of Medicine, edition Weimar, 2009; Health in the Regions, edition Weimar 2012. He is a member of several and professional associations, European and international organisations.

Dr. h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Štefan Luby, DrSc.
viceprezident Európskej akadémie vied a umení v Salzburgu/Vice-President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Narodil sa 6. máj 1941 v Bratislave. Detstvo strávil v Liptovskom Hrádku. Školskú dochádzku absolvoval v Bratislave. Elektrotechnickú fakultu SVŠT ukončil v roku 1963. Po ročnom pôsobení na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach absolvoval ašpirantúru a ďalšie zamestnanie v Slovenskej akadémii vied. Hodnosť DrSc. obhájil roku 1982. V roku 1992 sa habilitoval za docenta Matematicko-fyzikálnej fakulty UK v Bratislave. V roku 1996 sa stal profesorom fyziky na Slovenskej technickej univerzite v Bratislave. Pracuje ako vedúci vedecký pracovník Fyzikálneho ústavu SAV. Zahraničné stáže absolvoval ako štipendista Nadácie Alexandra Humboldta na Univerzitách v Stuttgarte a Bielefelde, ako hosťujúci vedec alebo profesor pôsobil na ústavoch v ZSSR a Grécku, na univerzitách v Taliansku, USA, Nemecku a Japonsku. Je čestným doktorom univerzít Salento (Taliansko), Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre a Trenčianskej univerzity Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne. Deväť rokov bol riaditeľom Fyzikálneho ústavu SAV a 15 rokov (1995 - 2009) predsedom SAV. Bol úradujúcim prezidentom All European Academies (federácie európskych akadémií), Central European Academy of Sciences and Arts, je viceprezidentom Európskej akadémie vied a umení v Salzburgu a predsedom Redakčnej rady Encyklopédie Beliana. Zaoberá sa fyzikou polovodičov, kovov, elektronických súčiastok, laserovou technikou, röntgenovou optikou, nanovedou a nanotechnológiou. Je autorom vyše 400 vedeckých publikácií, 8 patentov a 10 kníh literatúry faktu./Dr. h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Štefan Luby, DrSc. was born on 6th May 1941 in Bratislava. He spent his childhood in Liptovský hrádok. He went to school in Bratislava and graduated the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in 1963. He worked at the Faculty of Science at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik Univesrity in Košice one year and then he graduated from his PhD study at the Slovak Academy of Sciences where he also worked. He was awarded the DrSc. degree in 1982. In 1992 he became Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Comenius University in Bratislava. In 1996 he became professor of physics at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He works as a leading scientific specialist of the Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He participated in the stays abroad as a scholarship holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the universities in Stuttgart and Bielefeld, as a visiting scientist or professor at the institutes in the former Soviet Union and Greece, at the universities in Italy, the USA, Germany and Japan. He was awarded the title Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Salento (Italy), the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín. He was Director of the Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for nine years and 15 years – from 1995 to 2009 – the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He was an Acting President of the federation of European academies – the All European Academies, the Central European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is the Vice-President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg and the chairman of the editorial board of the Encyclopaedia Beliana. He deals with the physic of the semi-conductors, the nano-science and nano-technology. He is an author of more than 400 scientific publications, 8 patents and 10 books of the non-fiction area.